Posts Tagged ‘decluttering’

April 20, 2015


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I spent the weekend in my room in Flagstaff, sorting and packing — and still I barely made a dent. Packing up 15-plus years of accumulated crap is hard, y’all.

Okay, that’s not entirely true. I spent Saturday night and Sunday morning with trash bags and cardboard boxes. I also enjoyed a Saturday-morning gabfest/brainstorming session with my Northern Arizona RWA chapter mates. I’m telling you, knowing what awaited at home wasn’t conducive to getting my butt out of the Denny’s booth we were occupying.

I confess to being a bit of a hoarder, so paring down my stuff won’t be easy.

For example, I didn’t want to part with these …

Old business cards

… My first author business cards, which I designed after finaling in the Golden Heart in 2011.

They don’t take up much room. They also don’t match my redesigned website or brand, so there’s no reason to keep them … but it was so hard to just toss them in the recycling bin. I did hang onto about five of them—purely for archival purposes, of course.

Where else have I been?

Writer Groupie Podcast | Kim SmithI still haven’t seen my Writer Groupie interview in my iTunes podcast feed. Will keep you posted as soon as I get it.

JUST RIGHT was featured in the April Turquoise Morning Press newsletter, along with new releases by Bella Masters and May Williams. May’s “Playing the Piper” is another of the “and they lived Happily Ever After” tales.

That’s it. It’s been a pretty quiet week.

Soon, I’ll be ordering books for the Payson Book Festival. And—fingers crossed—moving into a new place.