Archive for the ‘Musings’ Category

May 22, 2011



My computer was giving me fits Saturday night, so I spent the time I should have been writing today cleaning out my car.

What can I say? Procrastination is a disease. 😉

I’m fighting a bigger disease, though. After decluttering my car, I took a bunch of the books I’d accumulated to the used bookstore. I decided that, as much as I might want to, I’m never going to have time to read certain books — so they might as well not continue to clutter up my living space.

While I waited for the staff to evaluate my offering, I browsed — where else — in the romance section. Big mistake. I found not one, but two books to add to my already massive TBR pile. (And, with time and an unlimited budget,  I probably could have found several more.)

So even though I got rid of about five books, I ended up adding two more to my stacks.

I also spent a couple hours last night browsing on my Nook, adding books to my e-wish list for the next time I have money to go on a buying spree.

I already have enough reading material to last me for years — especially at the rate I’m reading these days, and I’m browsing for more?

It’s a disease, I tell you. A terrible, wonderful disease. I can’t wait to go to RWA Nationals, because I hear there are free books up for grabs.

What’s a few more books added to my TBR pile, right? I’ll have time to read them … someday.

May 20, 2011



It’s that time again: Time for our NARWA meeting. I’ll be up early Saturday to head to Prescott to catch up with my fellow writers and recharge my creativity.

Our guest speaker is Jennifer Ashley. She spoke to our group a while back, and was very inspiring. Can’t wait to hear what she has to say this time!

May 18, 2011


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While I was checking my blog stats Tuesday morning, I saw a tidbit that made me laugh out loud:

Someone found my blog by using the search term “Mr. Happy story ideas.”

Since that’s the pet name one of my heroes uses for a certain part of his anatomy, I can’t help wondering if the searcher found more than he/she bargained for!

P.S. In case you missed it, here’s a link to the original post where Mr. Happy made his first appearance on the blog.

April 29, 2011


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You read that correctly: I’m proud to be the guest blogger at the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood today.

Once you’re done watching the romantic spectacle that is the Royal Wedding, visit me there to debate the qualities of a good hero.